Funding Categories

The charts below outline the categories of funding available for applicants. Click here to view the eligible and ineligible activities that fall under each category.

Food Safety Project categories

Per cent cost-share

Maximum available cost-share

1. Gap-Assessment (or pre-audit):

  • Identify and document risks through food safety gap-assessments (or pre-audits)
  • Food Safety (including Traceability) gap-assessment resulting in a project workplan

70 %

up to $20,000

2. Food Safety Improvement Activities (GMPs or BPs)

  • Pro-actively mitigate food safety risks identified in gap-assessment/ pre-audit through implementation of GMPs or BPs

70 %

  • All other Food Safety Improvement (systems, facility and equipment)- up to $20,000
  • Equipment/facility upgrade for regulatory compliance-capped at $15,000

3. Third party audited HACCP Certification(s)

70 %

up to $20,000

Maximum funding per applicant over 5 years of PFFS Program

70 %


Each Eligible Participant may apply for and receive funding of up to $20,000 for eligible activities over the term of PFFS program (i.e., 2018-2023).

We encourage all eligible businesses, no matter where you are on the food safety spectrum, to apply for program funding!